
Portfolio Piece – Blood Moon Rising 3D FPS

Project lead/lead Game Designer
Sound design & Producer

Blood Moon Rising is a linear horror FPS focused on player experience over content. The player will fight their way through a forest armed with a crossbow with silver bolts and a silver sword. Resources are limited across the forest and often placed in dangerous situations, encouraging ammunition management and forcing the player to get too close for comfort towards danger.

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Portfolio Piece – Galactic Catch – VR Project

Project Lead/Game Design
Assistant Programmer & Producer

Galactic Catch is a VR fishing game with a twist, fish are brought out of the water for a short period of time by activating a tractor beam, the player must utilise their hands to grab the fish before they drop back into the water. Players are encouraged to clean up the planet to access more fishing holes by grabbing and skillfully throwing the rubbish into the trash can on the dock.


Portfolio Piece – Rum Runner

Co Designer, Programmer, Sound Design and Producer

Rum Runner is a continuous runner riddled with speed ups cops and activatable pick ups allowing you to both boost and fire missiles at the Sci-fi police cars that are out to arrest you. Dodge your way through the space highway racking up your score multiplier by flying close to object in a near miss action.


Metal Leviathan

Co Designer, Narrative and Sound Design 

You play as a Mech Pilot, fighting back hordes of mechanical creatures, in an attempt to get revenge on the Metal Leviathan who has been ravaging the local towns. Customize your Mech in the Armoury with Deadly Weapons! Annihilate enemies with your Devastating Hull Abilities! Get some distance with Powerful Leg Abilities!
